
Showing posts from November, 2014

Install bower on Ubuntu 14.10

Summary of the command line to use $ sudo apt-get install npm nodejs $ sudo npm install bower -g $ ln -s /usr/bin/nodejs /usr/bin/node Explanation You need both nodejs and npm $ sudo apt-get install npm nodejs Then you can install bower $ sudo npm install bower -g Quick check $ bower --version You might get /usr/bin/env: node: No such file or directory which you solve using $ ln -s /usr/bin/nodejs /usr/bin/node Quick check again $ bower --version 1.3.12 Yeah!

Solving gcloud invalid choid: 'preview' or invalid choice: 'app'

After trying to run google cloud hello world for dart  on Ubuntu and after installing gcloud sdk and using the following command $ gcloud preview app run app.yaml I was getting: ERROR : (gcloud) Invalid choice: 'preview'. Solution is to run: $ gcloud components update preview Then I was getting ERROR : (gcloud.preview) Invalid choice: 'app'. Solution is to run: $ gcloud components update app As it turned out, I could have simply done this in one command $ gcloud components update preview app