
Showing posts from 2012

Solving "set up docs offline" not available for google apps user

As I installed Google Drive web app in Chrome, I notice that the option "Set up docs offline" was available for my Google (gmail) account but not for my google apps domain account. As a matter of facts, this must be enabled first by the administrator of the google apps domain. Go to the google apps dashboard Go to the settings for the Google apps Select Drive & Docs application Check "Allow users to enable offline docs" in the offline section Click on "Save changes" Wait...(1 hour). In fact I tried to simply restart Chrome after 15mn The option "Set up docs offline" should then be available for your users

Setup Google account in Android Emulator

As of today with Emulator with Android 4.1, google accounts are not available in the emulator. An alternative is to set it as a Mobile Exchange Account (!) Go to the Add Exchange Account page Enter your google email and password In the next page, retrieving account will fail. Replace the "Domain\Username" field with your email again and replace the "Server" field with the address: ""

Recovering corrupted eclipse workspace

It has happened to me sometimes when Eclipse has crashed or if I had to kill it after it becomes unresponsive that the workspace was corrupted and that I was unable to launch the same workspace. Too lazy to create a new workspace and import all my projects again, one trick that did work was to go into the workspace folder and remove the following file: <my_workspace_name> /.metadata/.plugins/org.eclipse.core.resources/.snap I was than able to start eclipse again and find all my projects in it.

Solving Ubuntu upgrade - Error ‘dpkg: error processing (--unpack)'

Find the offending package and perform sudo dpkg -i --force-overwrite <filename.deb> In my case: sudo dpkg -i --force-overwrite /var/cache/apt/archives/libatk-adaptor-schemas_2.4.0-1ubuntu2_i386.deb Then sudo apt-get -f install

GAE/GWT SDK update nightmares

Each time I update the AppEngine/GWT SDK, I get are some tips. Make sure .classpath has the following: <classpathentry kind="con" path=""/> <classpathentry kind="con" path=""/> If you're doing some unit testing, create a GAE_SDK variable that points to the updated SDK. You should have ( google documentation ). you can ignore the warning on these libs not present in the server (QuickFix on the warning) <classpathentry kind="var" path="GAE_SDK/lib/testing/appengine-testing.jar"/> <classpathentry kind="var" path="GAE_SDK/lib/impl/appengine-api-labs.jar"/> <classpathentry kind="var" path="GAE_SDK/lib/impl/appengine-api-stubs.jar"/> <classpathentry kind="var" path="GAE_SDK/lib/impl/appengine-api.jar"/>If Make sure jar in...

Saving git credentials

While not fully secure, you can store git credential in ~/.netrc (ou ~/_netrc on windows) machine my_git_server (exemple login my_login password my_password

Make google (GWT/AppEngine) available on local network

Debug > Debug configurations... > Select your launch config on the left > Arguments tab. Just add "-bindAddress" in the beginning before all the other arguments. This makes it listen on all network adapters, so another machine on your network could connect to you. Open port TCP 9997 on firewalls. Allow remote address in Chrome GWT Extension settings Sometimes I had remove read the address in the settings