Using dart test_runner on Ubuntu

Not being able to easily run my browser test is a pain so I tried to give a shot to the new test_runner package from Nicolas Garnier.

However having content_shell setup is not a done deal so thanks to  I was able to set it up conveniently

Download content shell and add it to the path

cd $DART_TOP/chromium
CONTENT_SHELL_PATH=$(ls -d drt-*)

install the missing package (fonts)

sudo apt-get install wdiff ttf-indic-fonts ttf-mscorefonts-installer ttf-dejavu-core ttf-kochi-gothic ttf-kochi-mincho

Make sure you have everything in your path (pub, dart2js, ~/.pub-cache/bin) and run_tests can be ran on any project. I had to rename some files to have the expected conventions.

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