Dart, travis and content_shell

Up to now I was using drone.io for testing my dart packages after a commit. As of today, as dart was stuck to an earlier version (1.10 while 1.13 will soon be out), I decided to try travis. After signin up with my github credentials it proposed me right away all my public projects.

Good surprise, integration is as simple as selecting your project in travis and adding the following .travis.yml at the root of your project

language: dart
  - stable
  - dev
sudo: false
script: pub run test

Even better, I was never able to execute my browser test and adding content-shell support is as easy as updating the .travis.yml file with the following content

language: dart
with_content_shell: true
  - stable
  - dev
sudo: false
  - export DISPLAY=:99.0
  - sh -e /etc/init.d/xvfb start
script: pub run test -p vm -p content-shell

The before install steps are puzzling and explained (somehow) here

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