build_value dart setup
A quick note to remind me how to use build_value package (2.0.0-dev)
Example here using json serialization
Add json_serializable dependency
Add build_runner dependency (dev)
Create 'example/model/basic.dart'. All sections are needed here (library, import, part, annotation)
to see file generated (basic.g.dart)
From then you can add option (fromJson, toJson)
Example here using json serialization
Add json_serializable dependency
Add build_runner dependency (dev)
json_serializable: any
build_runner: "=>0.7.8"
Create 'example/model/basic.dart'. All sections are needed here (library, import, part, annotation)
library my_library.basic;
import 'package:json_annotation/json_annotation.dart';
part 'basic.g.dart';
class Basic
String name;
# create alias once
alias br='pub run build_runner'
# build
br build
to see file generated (basic.g.dart)
From then you can add option (fromJson, toJson)
@JsonSerializable(includeIfNull: false)
class Basic extends Object with _$BasicSerializerMixin {
String name;
factory Basic.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json)
=> _$BasicFromJson(json);