Test dartlang packages on Chrome using Travis
After giving up using content_shell in travis to test my packages, I was using firefox as it was available and good for basic browser testing. However it did hang on some extensive indexeddb testing or missing some feature like WebSql. And testing my components on a browser was needed
Thanks to Alexandre Ardhuin in issue https://github.com/travis-ci/travis-ci/issues/6683, I was able to setup a solution available here:
Assuming you are familiar with Dart and Travis integration
Create the following `.travis.yml` file
Configure your project to run in https://travis-ci.org
The project uses the solution itself. You can find another example here: https://github.com/alextekartik/travis-test.dart
Thanks to Alexandre Ardhuin in issue https://github.com/travis-ci/travis-ci/issues/6683, I was able to setup a solution available here:
Assuming you are familiar with Dart and Travis integration
as a development dependencies in your pubspec.yaml
filedev_dependencies: test: any chrome_travis: git: git://github.com/tekartik/chrome_travis.dart
Create the following `.travis.yml` file
language: dart sudo: required dist: trusty dart: - stable - dev before_script: - source $(pub run chrome_travis:env_rc) script: - pub run test -p vm -p chrome
Configure your project to run in https://travis-ci.org
The project uses the solution itself. You can find another example here: https://github.com/alextekartik/travis-test.dart